Five students from the engineering department, with the approval of the University, completed their social responsibilities with assistance from the foundation. As part of their social responsibility, we arranged for them to teach the Grade 11 and 12 maths and science pupils at Northview High school. This project was a great success as it assisted the high school pupils in the areas they had difficulty understanding. These classes took part over a period of two months and were held on a Saturday and Sunday to help prepare students for their year-end exams.

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” 
― Rick Warren

Throughout our university experience, our team has been encapsulated by our studies, our social lives and university life in general. It was not until our JCP module came into our lives that we discovered a world so far from the reality that we perceive during our average day — a world which indeed shocked us and humbled us at the same time. The scope of the problem is almost limitless — but it was Desmond Tutu who said that the little bit of good that each of us do, can be put together to overwhelm the world.

Together our group realised that our problems could almost be considered superficial in comparison to those of the people less fortunate than us. An experience that will water the seeds of the tree that is our character, leading it to blossom into flowers for all to behold. In addition, possibly the best reward that was reaped was the contagiousness of positivity.

The “My African World Foundation” provides support for woman, youth and children particularly of underprivileged backgrounds. They embraced us with open arms and allowed us to make our contribution at Northview high school in Balfour, Johannesburg.